Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Brinjal rolls

This is a unique recipe made from brinjals. One can choose any variety but take that the slices of brinjals should be big enough to be rolled. This dish can even be served as a starter or a side dish. I came across this kind of dish while seeing a cooking reality show and somehow forgot the ingredients. I devised one on my own and it turned out fairly good. This is  a good recipe to surprise unexpected guests.
Here I chose the long variety of Brinjals but this works equally well on eggplants too.
The brinjals arranged on the pan with the chutney spread on top.
The brinjal rolls ready

Brinjals sliced longitudinally and kept immersed in water-4-5
Turmeric powder, chilli powder, salt-each 1/2 tsp to marinate
oil to cook

For the chutney
Coriander leaves- a handful
pudina leaves(mint) - 5-6 sprigs
green chillies- 2
garlic - 7-8
Til -3 tbspoons
coriander seeds-1 tblspoon
cumin -1 tsp
saunf - 1/2 tsp
salt -to taste
juice of 1 lemon
jaggery or gur - 1 tspoon
Dry roast coriander seeds, cumin and saunf  and combine other ingredients to grind into a chutney.

Marinate the brinjal with salt, turmeric powder, chilli powder.
On a non-stick flat pan , put a little oil and spread the slices. Spread the chutney and let it cook for some time. As soon as the brinjal slices are soft roll the slices and arrange on the serving plate. Serve immediately.