Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Cooking the healthy way, My recipes

Of course, My mother taught me my first steps of cooking. I applied them practically after marriage and may after two to three years later,I started polishing my skills on cooking. Though I do not claim an expert right now, I  have managed to keep my husband and my daughter happy and HEALTHY. The art of cooking healthy is not difficult if you really want to. The credit goes again to my mother and my grandmother who had instilled in me the need to cook healthy. I believe, the responsibility of the family health lies on the person who takes over the responsibility of the kitchen.
When the cook begins to start a dish, a thought should pass in his/her mind ,"Am I putting the right quantity of oil?" "Is this ingredient actually necessary ?" "Is the ingredient healthy?" When we talk of unhealthy fats, margarine, butter, clarified butter or hydrogenated fats, we are actually looking up to the fact that we have to consume it at a minimum rate to avoid cardiovascular risk. There is no such "safe age" where we can eat such harmful fats to a high extent and then rather coolly decide one  bright and shiny morning "This is it! No Unhealthy fats from now on." Eating healthy is a quality that has to built in us. When we are healthy it shows on our body- Well toned and with the right BMI(Body mass Index). It shows on your face- We are pink with confidence and it shows on our personality when we meet someone for the first time. And trust me! -It makes a lasting impression.

When I put up recipes I promise they would be easy to prepare,  tasty and delightful. I do not promise to put up photographs on each recipe as it is at times cumbersome. I would try my best to put up a photograph as and when possible. So Happy cooking the healthy way!!

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